Claudine’s Fitness For Men and Women
Encouragement and Achievement Together
Class Timetable:
Monday 09:15 Fitness Pilates – Broadchalke Sports Hall
Monday 10:15 HIITs – Broadchalke Sports Hall
Monday 13:45 Pilates – Broadchalke Sports Hall
Friday 09:15 Fitness Pilates – Broadchalk Sports Hall
Friday 11:00 Pilates – Bowerchalk Village Hall
For more information call Claudine on 07788 587937
Certified Pilates and HIIT Instructor
Member of Fitness Professionals
Fitness Designed Specifically With You In Mind
For Men and Women Of All Ages and Abilities
Low impact exercises designed to strengthen and lengthen your muscles safely
Improving joint mobility, back strength and flexibility
Better posture, blood circulation and bone density
Improved balance, body shape, happiness and self-awareness
Building your core strength and stability
Promotes relaxation and stress reduction through correct breathing in a relaxed fun environment
Fitness Pilates (FP):
Claudine’s best of all the disciplines yet not as intensive as HIIT. This class focuses on realigning the mind and body whilst developing core strength and flexibility.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
Best cutting edge interval training exercises taken at your own speed
Improving muscle strength across the body
Great cardiovascular workout (heart, lungs and blood vessels) improving stamina
Burns the maximum amount of fat in the minimum time and helps with weight reduction
Continues to burn body fat for up to 48 hours afterwards
Improves your sleep pattern, resting pulse and overall metabolism