2024 Annual General Meeting


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

19th June 2024 at 7.30pm


Michaela Johns, Edward Fry, Chris Rothwell, Tim Moss, John Dutson, 



David Cooper, Nigel Hayes, Damon Johns. Tom Scard

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the AGM. The meeting was not quorate (7 members required).

1. Minutes of the 19th of June 2023 AGM

These had been circulated in advance and accepted as a true record.

2. Election of Officers

There being no persons coming forward to accept roles on the Executive, Chris Rothwell agreed to accept the post of Chairman/Secretary, Michaela as Treasurer and Tim on Website. Edward wished to continue being involved but to step down from his role as Vice Chairman.

The meeting thanked Edward for his commitment to CVSC over more that 21 years and for his willingness to stay involved informally. The Sports Centre has much to thank Edward for not least its initial building and funding.

The Chairman thanked the Executive for their willingness to continue. He observed that the work of the Executive is often unnoticed by most members, perhaps as evidenced by the poor AGM attendance, but the Sports Centre would not operate without this work and would be very much missed if the voluntary input they commit was no longer available. This is a very real challenge for the Centre (and other community buildings in the village) and one that will have to be addressed if facilities are to be maintained.

3. Chairman’s Annual Report

This had been circulated in advance. See full report attached.

4. Finance Report

This had been circulated by Michaela in advance and discussed by the Executive ahead of its submission to Auditor.

The 2023-24 Accounts that had been prepared on a cash basis and had been externally audited by Nick Limb. We choose to do this to ensure transparency on financial matters, but it is not a requirement. Our thanks to Nick and for undertaking the review at no charge.

The Centre is in a healthy financial position currently, but there are significant areas of expenditure in the coming year including: Resurfacing the MUGA; Kitchen Refurbishment; Roof works; Water hygiene works.

5. Clubs Report

a. Cricket

Report from David Cooper attached.

b. Petanque

Report from Damon Johns attached.

c. Tennis

Report from John Dutson attached.

6. Social Media Report

Tim reported that website imagery to be updated. Preference is with pictures of our own activities. Liason with john Fry and Martin Altham.

7. Appointment of Auditors. The meeting agreed to seekreappointment of Nick Limb. MJ to action.

8. AOB


The meeting closed at 7.50pm

There then followed a short CVSC Management Committee Meeting

1. Budget. Funds on deposit were noted from the accounts and Michaela advised of current interest rates. It was also noted that significant expenditure imminent on capital works.

2. Membership. The Executive had proposed a £1 increase to both adult and junior membership. This will be advised to the Clubs and introduced from September 2024.

3. Hire Charges. The Executive had reviewed these in line with inflation and will be introduced from September 2024.

4. Fundraising. The Executive are planning a Race Night in the Autumn. Date TBA once the equipment had been identified.

5. MUGA Replacement. This is still on programme for main works w/c 19 August 2024 but with some advance weed control a month before. Funding was discussed and request made to the CVTC that their funding be increased from £4,000 to £5,000 as CVSC were having to find another £4,000-£5,000 following National lottery declining to support.

6. Football Pitch Hire 

Discussion on the approach by a non-Chalke Valley Team to hire pitch and relocate 14 teams to the Centre. The income that might be generated would be positive, but concern over impact on the pitch, how the hire would be managed and grounds maintenance, pitch preparation and cleaning supplied. Also, with the hope that football will recommence with Chalke Valley Teams, there was concern as to how this might then be managed. It was concluded that, regrettably, this scale and type of use would not be in the best interests of the Centre and should be declined.



See attached

Chairmans Report

               Chairman’s Report 2023-2024

The Chalke Valley Sports Centre has been successfully providing sports and recreational facilities for over 21 years now and, during these 21 years, many people have committed time voluntarily to ensure the Centre is well managed, clean, and properly maintained, that the grass is cut, and sports areas are prepared ready for use by the many sports players and visitors that enjoy the use of them.

With each year that passes these tasks seem to get more difficult, with more regulation, increasing costs, greater effort required to raise funds and fewer people available to lend a hand. So, I start with a huge thankyou to the small Executive Committee, and to the committees of the affiliated sports clubs, and to Nigel for his work on the grounds and Caroline for keeping the Centre clean and tidy. Very often this work goes on quietly, unnoticed behind the scenes, but without it we would not have the wonderful facilities that we do. And so, I follow swiftly with a plea,


If we don’t get more help, there is a very real risk that what we enjoy now will be lost…and it will be very difficult to get back again should this position be reached. It only needs a few people to offer a few hours a year to make a real difference by spreading the load.

I commented last year on how well the green spaces, and sports pitches were looking, and this continues to be the case this year. They are used by members and casual users alike and are a great asset for the Valley, but obviously cost money to keep this way. This is why the Executive have made the decision to make a small increase in the membership fees again in September, and to increase the cost of hire.

We have continued to build on the facility improvements delivered over recent years (new floodlights, cricket nets, basketball net, Petanque area), and this last year saw the replacement of the artificial cricket wicket with grant funding from South-West Wiltshire Area Board and the Cricket Club. We have also been investigating and applying for funds for the resurfacing of the Multi Use Games Area and for further improvements to the Petanque facilities and the Kitchen. These are projects that we hope to see come to fruition in the coming 12 months, subject to funding.

It has been great to see the new Zumba class on a Wednesday morning get established. This is open to all and has seen new people start to use the Centre. The Petanque has gone from strength to strength and is a real summer feature in village and valley life now, often with 30-40 people enjoying a Friday evening get together.

Tennis continues to be the largest club affiliated to the Centre and they have organised some excellent coaching classes that have seen both new members join, and existing members improve their game and establish new club sessions for members to take part in. It has also been great to see cricket consolidate their return with Saturday and mid-week matches now regular fixtures in the calendar. Table Tennis continues to provide opportunities across the age groups for competitive and coaching opportunities and the indoor bowls club, a longstanding Club enjoyed mainly for its gentler pursuits, but no less competitive in league matches! All ages are welcome.

We have missed football this last year and hope very much that interest can be rekindled and even to find parents interested in starting boys’ and girls’ football.

Looking ahead. As I mentioned last year, there continue to be many challenges for the Centre to tackle. We need to remain viable, both in terms of a functioning committee with the energy to manage and administer the Centre, but clearly also financially through keeping costs under tight reign; increasing membership numbers; and continuing to seek grants. We are not funded like many local authority facilities and so all these aspects are vital if we are to remain open and accessible. We can only do so with volunteer support and the partnership with our Clubs. Fundraising and grants are critical to the Centre’s future. I would like to thank Broad Chalke, Bishopstone and Bowerchalke parish councils for their continued financial support. It is very much appreciated.

Ahead of us we are planning the Kitchen refurbishment; resurfacing of the MUGA, and there is a need for roof works as well as significant water hygiene works to old pipework. We have applied for grants for some of this and have been setting some funds aside in readiness. These costs have to be put alongside the day-to-day maintenance of buildings, grounds, boilers, and equipment which requires investment of considerable time and, of course, money. The Executive are diligent in their approach to this and my thanks on behalf of all Affiliated Clubs to Michaela, Edward, and Tim without whom the Sports Centre doors would not be open.

If you would like to know more about what is on at the Sports Centre, follow us on Facebook or check out the website. If you would like to get involved in running the Centre or have an idea for a new activity then please contact any of the Committee.

On behalf of the CVSC Executive Committee.

Chris Rothwell


Chalke Valley Tennis Club 2024 – Chairman’s Report

JD gave an update on the resurfacing of the courts.  After a thorough review it was agreed that the court surface would be Macadam.  The cost is approx. £25k.  An Astro surface would have cost approx. £50k.  

The Tennis Club has agreed to contribute funds towards the overall cost of the resurfacing and we will be paying between £4-£5K.  It will only have tennis lines unless a new club, wanting to play a different sport, approaches the Sports Centre.  We are also looking at long term maintenance plans to keep the courts in good repair.  

The dates for resurfacing are from the 19th August to 28th September, however these dates will be weather dependent.

JD also reiterated that it is the 21st anniversary for the Sports Centre and we are very fortunate to have this facility and dedicated volunteers to keep it running.  Everyone was encouraged to donate £21 to help towards the future of the Centre.

The reserves stand at £20,813.  

Membership:   for last year 74 adults, 20 Juniors and 9 Children.   66 people are yet to renew for this year but we anticipate numbers will be similar. 

Cricket Club


2023 was a successful year for Broad Chalke Cricket Club on and off the field. We managed to play 23 matches out of a possible 29 securing victory in 13 games.

In the Hampshire League Division 5 North West, Broad Chalke came a respectable 7th out of 18 teams. In the Salisbury District Wednesday league, we were an impressive 2nd. The Club also reached the Plate Final for the second successive year, unfortunately losing. Maybe third time lucky? Our team captains were able to call on an ever-dependable group of players and we should feel very proud that we were able to field a full team every match.

Off the pitch, the Committee had been very busy securing various grants matched by funds raised by the Club resulting in a NEW artificial playing strip installed in November at the ground for the 2024 season. This complements the artificial practice strip and mobile cage which was installed two years ago. We now have a first-class ground with matching facilities. 

Currently the Club are enjoying their best ever start to the cricket season. They are sitting TOP of the table in both leagues, only losing one game out of twelve! The new artificial strip has also performed well with a consistent bounce!

Petanque Club


The Petanque Club continues to be a success throughout the summer with outdoor events throughout the year and league participation ongoing. We have a core of regular players, but we’ve been joined by family or friends visiting and walk-ins from other petanque clubs who have heard of us. Generally Friday night social is attended by 20-30 people, but this does depend on the unpredictable summer weather.

There is a dedicated group who set up the piste and run the sports bar Friday evenings allowing for tasks to spread around rather than relying on any one person. 

The club continues to play in a pub league against pub and sports East Dorset and South Wiltshire. The league is sponsored by Stone Daisy Brewery and runs from May to September. We have entered two teams in the league this year and look forward to visiting various hostelries and clubs in the coming months.

This year saw the plan to improve the facilities at the club take a big step forward with the connection of electricity to the shed. The supply cabling was installed by Ted Barnes and the electrics finished by Paul Lanham. We have a dedicated meter in the boiler room and will pay the sports centre for the energy we use through the summer. 

The shed will be lined out internally and have a new roof added in the coming months, the majority of the works being paid for by a generous grant from a local resident. Team captain Steve Garsden has generously donated a wine cooler and fridge to the club for use in running the sports bar through the summer. 

The Treasures account currently stands at a little over £4000 however half of this is earmarked for the continued upgrades proposed. The revenue from the bar and the pay to play charges continue to be used to stock the bar and keep the club running. 

Please feel free to come a join us any Friday to learn more about the club or email

chalkevalleypetanqueclub@gmail.com  OR search for Chalke Valley Petanque Club on facebook  OR scan QR code



FRIDAY SUMMER EVENING SOCIAL PETANQUE EVERY FRIDAY FROM MAY 6-8PM ADJACENT CAR PARK AT SPORTS CENTRE – All equipment provided with sports bar for refreshments (cash and cards taken) 



Damon Johns 07970 473967

CVSMB Treasurer.  

21st Anniversay


4th May 2024 – 21st year celebration

Dear Resident and Sport Club Member

The Chalke Valley benefits from a purpose-built sport centre situated on Knighton Road. 4th May 2024 is the 21st year of the Sport Centre being officially opened.

The Sports Centre is used by club members throughout the Chalke Valley and membership is open to everyone. The current clubs operating from the site are:- Table Tennis, Football, Tennis, Short Mat Bowls, Cricket and Petanque, in addition many of you may also enjoy the Pilates, Yoga and Zumba classes that are also put on in the Hall and of course our children use the facilities if they attend Broad Chalke Primary School.The Sports Centre has also hosted the annual Chalke Valley Fete and Show and will do so again on 17thAugust this year.

As with any successful venue, maintenance & refurbishment costs are needed now that the building is reaching its 21st anniversary.  Typically, external and internal surfaces require decoration and other minor repairs and maintenance. The annual boiler maintenance has recently been undertaken with some repairs required and this has cost £500. The biannual weed treatment on the sports field will take place in the coming weeks and this will be another £500. We have a project to upgrade the kitchen and have grants in of over £3,000 and the donation of a new range cooker, but the project will cost over £6,000.

To maintain the club member subscriptions at a reasonable level and to encourage young people to participate in sport, our income does not cover more than day to day servicing and consumables so for all the above and many other things we have to seek grants and raise funds. It is with this in mind that the Management Committee are putting this appeal out to residents in the Chalke Valley, on behalf of people who use the Centre now and for your children who may wish to use it in the future.

A donation of £21 for the 21st anniversary would make a great deal of difference for the long-termpreservation of the facility. However, any donation would be gratefully received.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our committee if you have any questions or feel you can help in any other way.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chairman:  chris.rothwell@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk ​Tel: 07552 159369

Treasurer: Michaela.johns@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk ​Tel: 01722 780915

Deputy Chairman: Edward.fry2@btinternet.co.uk               Tel: 01722 780093

Social Media:tim.moss@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk​​Tel: 07711 562384

Website:​ ​www.chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk.

Facebook: ​https://www.facebook.com/Chalke-Valley-Sports-Centre-110944004548798

The Club Members and Management Committee wish to thank you in anticipation of your support.

I would like to donate the enclosed Direct transfer details BACS Lloyds Bank account number 01351926 Sort Code 309741 / cash / cheque (payable-Chalke Valley Sports Centre).

Or send your donation to Ivon House High Road Broad Chalke Wiltshire SP5 5EH or pop it into the house to the right of the Queens Head Pub in Broad Chalke.


Name / remain anonymous…………………………………………………………………

SPORTS SCENE – April 2024


SPORTS SCENE – April 2024

Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

Multi Use Games Area resurfacing. After a long period of time investigating options, undertaking site meetings,and receiving quotations, we have concluded that the best option is to resurface with porous macadam. This is easier to maintain, is hard wearing and can be used for different activities and is at a lower cost. We now have the challenge of raising over £25,000-£30,000 to achieve this. The Sports Centre has been placing money into Reserves for a number of years and has 50% of the funds. The Tennis Club have also been raising money and are able to support the Project, but it still leaves around £10,000 to raise. Our target is to achieve this by the summer and plan the works in the early autumn.

The new surface will have a two-tone coloured finish for tennis and will be available for netball, five a side football and other general activities. We were successful last year in raising funds to replace the floodlights, so the area can be used all year around.

Zumba. Anyone interested in the class on Wednesday mornings at 0930 please contact Victoria Pickford on 07909 820365 or Victoria.pickford1@gmail.com

Kitchen Upgrade. We have received a grant from Empower of £2,000 towards this Project. This, combined with the Chalke Valley Fete grant of £750 and Tesco funding of £500 means that we can now start planningthe long overdue improvements. The Sports Centre has funds in Reserve for this project which we anticipate costing £7,000-£8,000..

Tennis Club News. The Club are taking part in the Sarum summer league again, so we are calling for members (particularly women) to join, and in due course to join the Shaftesbury Sarum league pool of available players. Contact Linda Walton for more information.

New membership year letters have been sent out. Contact Mathew Dodd if you are interested in joining.

If you are interested in playing club tennis at an intermediate level join our What’s App Group to keep in contact with sessions over the spring and summer period. Contact Chris Rothwell on below email. 

Cricket Club News. The new season starts this month with mid-week games on Wednesday evenings and Saturday matches.

Tests and Inspections. Following the recent electrical and water services surveys, we have replaced some emergency lights and external sockets and have some works to implement from the water survey.

Help required. The Sports Centre is managed by a small voluntary committee, and we would love to spread the load just a little bit to keep facilities operational and to help with events and activities. If you would like to get involved, it’s only a couple of hours a month, then please contact one of the committee members.

The hall, multi-use games area and playing fields area available for private hire so if you have a family celebration in the coming weeks, why not see what we can offer?

All our sports activities are promoted through the website, see below.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:


Tel 07552159369

TreasurerMichaela.johns@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk Tel: 01722 780915

Deputy ChairmanEdward.fry2@btinternet.co.uk

Secretary: VACANT

Social Media: Tim Moss

Sports Centre general email: Info@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk

Our website is www.chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk.


Tennis Coaching


Over the summer months coaching is available at Chalke Valley Tennis Club, Knighton Rd, Salisbury SP5 5HX after school on Tuesdays.

The courses start W/C 15th April & will break for half-term W/C 27th May.

2023 Annual General Meeting


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
19th June 2023 at 7.00pm

Michaela Johns, Edward Fry, Chris Rothwell, Tom Scard, Jim Scard, John Dutson, David Cooper, Nigel Hayes

Simon Dawes

Minutes of the 18th of May 2022 AGM

These had been circulated in advance and accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.

Election of Officers

There being no persons coming forward to accept roles on the Executive Chris Rothwell agreed to accept the post of Chairman & the Executive agreed to continue in their current posts with Michaela as Treasurer and Edward as Vice Chairman. In Simon’s absence he was reinstalled as Secretary/social media, subject to his approval. All posts were duly nominated and seconded. Chris to continue as Bookings Secretary and to keep under review whether paid support is required.

Chairman’s Annual Report

See the full report attached. The Chairman also presented the top 10 issues he considered for the 12-18 months ahead

  1. Support in the running of the Centre
  2. Maintaining a building that is 21 years old
  3. Raising sufficient income to meet our operational costs
  4. Having a grant-raising plan to support major capital expenditure
    • Replacement MUGA £40,000-£50,000
    • Replacement Cricket Wicket £5,000-£6,000
    • Support for Petanque £5,000-£10,000
    • Refurbishing the Kitchen area £3,000-£5,000
  5. Other fundraising
  6. Attracting more members
  7. Better use of the MUGA
  8. Better daytime use of the hall
  9. Grounds maintenance
  10. Improving our marketing and promotion

Finance Report

Michaela presented the 2022-23 Accounts that had been prepared on a cash basis and had been externally audited by Nick Limb. We choose to do this to ensure transparency on financial matters, but it is not a requirement. Our thanks to Nick and for undertaking the review at no charge.

The accounts had been circulated in advance. Michaela summarised key points. When stripping out grants income and costs the Centre had made a profit of £3372. A full copy of the Accounts is attached together with a Highlights summary.
JD asked about the Mahoney tennis income.  MJ confirmed this was shown in the Hire income.
CR asked about funds on deposit and interest rates. CR and MJ to discuss.

Clubs Report

A report from David Cooper is attached. Key issue for next season will be the replacement of the artificial wicket.

Table Tennis
Report from Tom Scard is attached. New tables will be a key issue in the coming months

A report from Damon Johns is attached.

Report from Damon Johns is attached. Key issue is laying electricity to the shed.

Report from John Dutson attached. JD highlighted the workload involved in Safeguarding matters and this was echoed by all Clubs. Key issue will be the MUGA surface replacement

Nigel Hayes gave a verbal update. The disappointing news is there will be no football this coming season. Hopefully only a one-year absence. Nigel summarised the current grounds maintenance equipment use, the gang mowers being difficult to use, he has been using a ride on that is borrowed but stored at Nigel’s. The Sports Centre has recently agreed to fund half the costs of some essential maintenance in exchange for the continued use of the machine over the next two years.

Social Media Report
None presented. CR asked all Clubs to review the information on display on the Sports Centre notice boards and make sure all up to date. All Clubs to Action.

Appointment of Auditors. The meeting agreed to seek the appointment of Nick Limb. MJ to action.



The meeting closed at 8.05 pm.




Chalke Valley Tennis Club 2023 – Chairman’s Report

The main news of the year is that we have new LED floodlights . Our thanks to the CVSC for arranging.

The Pickleball lines on the courts, thanks to a lot of sanding by Atilio and the Chairman, are no longer a slip hazard.  What a waste of time having that club appear, although the cost of painting the lines has been recouped from the contractor.  The constant battle with the moss on the court continues.

Linda has arranged more Tennis Express coaching via Mahony Tennis (previously Salisbury Tennis Coaches) although we are yet to see further improvement in the rankings in the Sarum and Shaftesbury leagues!  Hilary Brown has passed the mantle of organising the Shaftesbury League over to Linda, so thank you to them both.  Linda and Matthew continue to organise the Sarum League fixtures as well.

The Club ran “the teas” at the Chalke valley Fete and Produce Show in August and thank you to the members who contributed.  £865.62 was raised, which was split 50/50 between the Club and the Show.  The Club will be doing “the teas” again at the 2023 show on the 19th August, so volunteers welcome please.

We had 119 members last year – 75 adults and remainder junior and children.  This was an decrease from 125 in the previous year.

A jolly Christmas lunch was held at the Queens Head for 17 members and their partners, and will, no doubt, be repeated in 2023. 

My thanks to the rest of the Tennis Club Committee for their various inputs

John Dutson

CVTTC Report 23

The club increased in number of teams playing this season in the Salisbury league, increasing in teams to 6, one in div 1 and 5 in div 2. 2 Of these teams consisted wholly of juniors with a total number of 12 juniors signed onto the league which is in an increase of about 7 from last season. To top this off, the Junior B team won the Handicap plate event this season beating CV kites in the final.

Blackmore vale this season we only entered one team but managed to get second place in Div 2. Tom Scard winning the Open doubles event.

Club wise, we have managed to attain Premier club status with table tennis England which gives us priority when it comes to support and funding within table tennis England approved funding sites/projects. Other benefits include ttkidz which is a coaching programme aimed at younger children looking at introducing them to table tennis, which I will look at introducing into Broad Chalke school. The other benefit is the youth ambassador programme which I will be applying for 2 of our more senior youngsters which introduces them into the “behind the scenes” of table tennis and has lots of incentives for them like part paid coaching courses and goes on their CV’s.

Lastly, Tom Scard was invited to the national championships by table tennis England and was presented with a nationally recognized award as part of the pride of table tennis event. He was recognized in front of the spectators at the finals. A bit later on at the event, he was awarded with the Young Male volunteer of the year award for his work and contributions to table tennis in the Salisbury area over the last year(s).

Looking forward, we are looking into finding for replacement of our tables as we feel they are on their last legs, we are also looking at attracting more players for table tennis, we have got a social media savvy person on our committee now who will be looking into face book, twitter and you tube etc. to further promote our sport in the area. We have our own club website at chalkevalleyttc.ttclubs.co.uk



The Chalke Valley SMBC continues to run on a Monday night our member numbers stand at 13 with two new players recently joining us. Hopefully they will continue and become signed up members in due course.

Recruitment remains difficult, as with a lot of bowls clubs. A new push to advertise the club and update the information in the sports centre is under way with the aim of adding new players to the roster.

Our treasurers account currently stands at £1578.14. and we have funds in place for league and club affiliation fees, with no large expenses due in the foreseeable future.

In addition to the regular club nights on a Monday we continue to compete in the Wiltshire Short Mat Bowls League and we will look to take part in friendlies and county competitions as before.

Should you know of anyone who may like to try a new sport in a friendly environment please contact me, especially if you know anyone who might be feeling isolated or lonely that could do with some company, everyone at the club is very welcoming and we are happy to help complete beginners learn something new.

Damon Johns 07970 473967 CVSMB Club Captain.


Chalke Valley Sports Centre Knighton Rd, Salisbury SP5 5HX


The Petanque Club now in its third year continues to be a small but popular club running both indoor and outdoor events throughout the year.

Due to the social nature of the sport, attendance can be adhoc especially over summer where other commitments take precedent. The previous club membership didn’t cater for the fact people don’t play every single week. We have therefore introduced a pay to play charge a proportion of which will be given to the sports centre in lieu of pro rata membership payments in September.

We now have a core of volunteers to set up and run the sports bar each evening allowing for tasks to spread around rather than relying on any one person.

The club continues to play in a pub league against pub and sports East Dorset and South Wiltshire. The league is now sponsored by Stone Daisy Brewery and runs from May to September. Due to the interest in the club we have been able to enter two teams in the league for the first time.

The Treasures account currently stands at £1890.84 with revenue from the bar and the pay to play charges being used to stock the bar, update equipment and save for the long-term project of replacing/updating the shed adjacent the petanque piste.

Please feel free to come a join us any Friday to learn more about the club or email chalkevalleypetanqueclub@gmail.com All equipment provided with sports bar for refreshments (cash and cards taken)




To follow

SPORTS SCENE – August 2023


SPORTS SCENE – August 2023

Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

Chalke Valley Fete and Produce Show.

Saturday 19 August 1.00-4.00 pm at the Sports Centre. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for good weather before, during and immediately afterwards. Come along to enjoy all the fun at the Fete. This year for one afternoon only, the Sports Centre Committee has relaxed its rules on dogs on the grounds. All well-behaved dogs …and owners…welcome. Why not have a go on the dog agility course…it’s just for fun and to raise money for Chalke Valley Good Causes. Dog facilities will be available.

At the AGM in June, it was agreed that the replacement of the artificial cricket wicket is one of the priorities at the end of this season and the Sports Centre Committee is working with the Cricket Club to raise funds. It is anticipated that costs for the work will be in the region of £5,000. If you would like to donate towards the project, please contact either David Cooper or Chris Rothwell.

Also agreed at the AGM was starting to plan the replacement of the Table Tennis Club’s tables and starting the process of what action is best to refurbish the Multi Use Sports Area in the next 12-24 months. This cost could be £30,000-£40,000 which the Committee has been preparing for over recent years with funds being set aside in a deposit account as matched funding towards grant applications.

These projects are in addition to the daily work of managing the centre and keeping it maintained and open. With costs ever increasing, the Committee has agreed to raise the Membership fees from the current £37/year to £40/year and, for the first time, to introduce a junior membership fee of £11/yr. From 1 September 2023.

We are always looking for volunteers to help so if you are interested in investing some time back into our wonderful community, please contact one of the Committee.

All our sports clubs have information on the website and new members are always welcome.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chairman:  chris.rothwell@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk  Tel 07552159369

Treasurer: Michaela.johns@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk Tel: 01722 780915

Deputy Chairman: Edward.fry2@btinternet.co.uk

Secretary: simon.dawes@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk

Sports Centre general email: Info@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk

Our website is www.chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chalke-Valley-Sports-Centre-110944004548798

2022 Annual General Meeting


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

18th May 2022 at 7.00pm


Michaela Johns, Edward Fry, Chris Rothwell, Simon Dawes, Tom Scard, Jim Scard


John Dutson, Linda Watson, Dave Cooper

As Interim Chairman Chris Rothwell chaired the Meeting.

  1. Minutes of the 26th May 2020 AGM

These had been circulated in advance and accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.

  • Election of Officers

There being no persons coming forward to accept roles on the Executive Chris Rothwell agreed to accept the post of Chairman & the Executive agreed to continue in their current posts. With the hiring of the hall increasing the question was raised about the need for a paid post to cover this role. It was agreed to continue monitoring.

  • Annual Report

See full report attached.

  • Clubs Report
  • Cricket
    Report read by Chris Rothwell – see appendix
  • Table Tennis
    Report read by Tom Scard – see appendix
  • Bowles
    Report read by Michaela Johns – see appendix
  • Petanque
    Report read by Michaela Johns – see appendix
  • Tennis
    No update provided
  • Football
    No update provided
  • Pickleball
    No update provided
  • Finance Report

Treasurer presented the 2021-22 Accounts that had been prepared on a cash basis, but yet to be audited. The accounts had been circulated in advance. Attention was drawn to the grants that had been paid to CVSC. A full copy of the Accounts is attached.

The full report is included at the bottom of this document.

  • AOB

Support for Ukraine:

CR explained about the families now staying in the valley and how the CVSC wished to support them by allowing free use of the facilities and asking clubs to allow free membership to the Ukrainian families whilst they are with us. The Petanque club already has a regular presence and have been made very welcome and the Tennis Club have agreed to free Tennis membership.

TS will consider how the Table Tennis club can help & maybe look at the 6:30 session run on a Sunday.

It was agreed by the meeting that Sports Centre membership subscription be waived.

CVSC & Clubs Constitutions:

CR raised the question about what the clubs currently have in their constitutions for any club funds should a club dissolve. The CVSC are trying to push for these funds to put back into the CVSC and remain local. Tom & Jim were happy to consider this and raise in the club AGM. Football had confirmed that their funds would go to Wiltshire FA which the meeting felt a shame as resources would be ‘lost’ from the Valley.

MUGA Floodlights:

A number of discussions/meetings have taken place, and another is scheduled with a preferred contractor & ANOB in order to find the best option for a replacement system as the current lights are now in need of replacement and are expensive to run. A replacement bulb is somewhere in the region of £200

Junior Membership:

Based on the current situation with the cost of living going up it has been agreed to delay implementing a junior membership subscription until September 2023. It would then be at £11.

Future Large Projects:

The following are a list of the known large projects that will need attending in due course

  • Floodlights
  • MUGA replacement
  • Centre Roof
  • Storage
  • General maintenance
  • Upgrade of kitchen

Kitchen Fridge:

The cricket club have previously asked if they can use the Kitchen fridge which is currently used by the Petanque club for the chilling/storage of beer/wine for their sports bar. It is locked to ensure that no underage consumption as this would affect the CVSC alcohol license. CR will write to the club on this further as they now have secured a fridge & space in the kitchen  is available.

Pickle Ball Court Lines:

It has been raised that the newly added lines for Pickleball are slippery & following legal advice CR will be sending a letter to the company as they have failed to respond to a number of emails around rectifying.

School use of CSVC Facilities:

CR will talk to the school to establish their current requirements and to review the current charges.

Sports Centre WiFi:

It was raised if the centre needs to supply WiFi. Simon asked if the current lack of WiFi actually stops the hall being hired as we would need a lot more hires in order to cover the implementation & monthly costs. Simon to obtain some costings.   

CR closed the meeting with a thank you to Michaela, Edward & Simon for their on-going support to the CVSC and the unseen work undertaken behind the scenes, without which the centre would not be able to function.

May 2022


Cricket Club

The Cricket Club enjoyed a part season (still interrupted with Covid cases) in 2021. The Club finished a respectable 10th (mid table) in the Hampshire League division 5 North West.

The midweek competition was affected by Covid and bad weather. Unfortunately, the Old Sarum Tuesday night league has now ceased and Broad Chalke have joined a new Wednesday ‘20 over’ league for the Salisbury District.

The arrival of the new artificial strip and cage has been a welcomed addition to the Sports field. The club have taken full advantage of this facility and are very grateful for all the hard work and funds by the Sports Centre for this equipment

Table Tennis Club

We have had a fruitful year for multiple reasons with the main aim to increase participation across the whole board from juniors to seniors.

 Both Tom  and Jim Scard have undertaken and passed our level 1 umpiring coarse which allows us to umpire up to county level league and tournaments.

In the Salisbury league, we had 3 teams, 2 in division 1 and 1 in division 2. Eagles finished the season in 3rd place, top player being Benji Maxwell losing only to one person the entire season. The kites finished the season wining the handicap plate. The last team was a full junior team of about 5 juniors. They all played exceptionally getting a couples wins throughout the season.

In the Blackmore Vale league, we had 3 teams, 2 in division 2 and 1 in division 1. Falcons came in 3rd place in div 1 by 3 points  which is a huge achievement considering the top 2 teams consist of top county players from the Wiltshire and Dorset area. Nightjars also came top taking the division 2 title.

In county terms, we have 2 juniors who have exceeded at the Wiltshire county championships. Benji Maxwell taking the u17 and u19 number one spot and also representing both junior AND adult county teams this season. His sister Lauren Maxwell has also performed well this season. She has taken the number one spot for u15 girls in Wiltshire and also representing Wiltshire juniors at the national schools championship which is a humongous achievement.

My main focus this year has been the same as the last 2 years and that is junior participation and improvement. Reeling from Covid-19 and losing 5 or 6 of the regular juniors we have bounced back and are now getting a regular 8 to 10 juniors every coaching session. There are 2 or 3 new juniors in the last couple weeks but they are already showing great promise. I am hoping to have them match ready for January or potentially season start in September. This could mean having 3 junior teams in the league’s which will be a monumental achievement for the club and local league’s.

The club will be running a very much requested summer league again. It has received much attention in the past couple years I have run it. I have so far had 15 teams register for it. Some are new to table tennis and some are regular players. Due to the high demand it will run Wednesday and Thursday evenings, 2 matches starting at 7pm and 2 matches starting at 8.30pm. I may also, depending on interest run a separate mini junior league on a Sunday practice evening throughout the summer as well alongside our usual practice session.

Future plans, my future plans are to continue with junior participation and development, I might look at the level 2 coaching course in the near future providing I can get funding from Wiltshire tt board and perhaps league aswell and time to do the coarse aswell. I was also invited to do some coaching for a new formed club in Harnham, Salisbury. There is a potential there to increase participation again in local league’s. I am also looking into how to further promote our sport and club locally whether through the creation of a website and social media.

Tom Scard



Chalke Valley Short Mat Bowles Club

The Chalke Valley SMBC has achieved safe bowls status to allow it to resume bowling once lockdown restrictions were lifted and we have returned to bowling with club nights and league entry.

Our member numbers stand at 15 with two younger villagers joining our ranks this year.

The club accounts are up to date and we have funds in place for league and club affiliation fees. Our treasurers account currently stands at £1668.74. With no large expenses due in the foreseeable future.

We are looking to continue interclub matches we will look to partake in friendlies and county competitions as before.

Damon Johns

CVSMB Club Captain. 

Chalke Valley Pétanque Club

The Chalke Valley Petanque club has grown in popularity since its inception last year with Friday club/social nights continuing and league entry for a second year to the Keystone Brewery petanque league just getting underway.

The club successfully moved indoors from October and although numbers dropped, a core of interested players attended regularly meaning the club continued to make money throughout the winter months.

We returned outside two weeks ago, both Friday nights were well attended and hopefully this will continue into summer.

We successfully hosted the Keystone Petanque finals day last year, winning a triples knockout tournament in the process and establishing ourselves in our first season in the league.  

The club accounts are up to date, and we have funds in place for restocking the sports bar as needed and updating/improving equipment as required.

Our treasurers account currently stands at £600.77. With bar takings and pay on the night fees keeping us in a positive position.

It is expected with the return outside the takings will increase and we are planning some summer events to encourage new members into the club.

The club has worked on a competitive level but more importantly is becoming a social event enjoyed by many in the village. With the help of a dedicated group we hope to build on the current success.

Damon Johns

CVPC Club Treasurer. 

Finance Report

Dear all

Here is my written report.

The accounts have been sent to you with this report. This year our accounts to 31 March 2022 show a surplus of nearly £12K, as you know, in normal years we usually just about breakeven.

  1. This was mainly because we had received Grants £8K from
  2. Wiltshire & Swindon WASP £1K
  3. Wiltshire Community Foundation £2021 – Made by Sports – clubs in crisis fund
  4. Wiltshire Council £2000 – GOGA Funding
  5. South West Wiltshire £2950 – getting our community active again £20
  6. and £8K COVID support grants from (from Wiltshire Council).
  7. We also received £200 from Broad Chalke Community Fund and £500 from the cricket club who raised money for the new nets.
  8. Still to pay for £2745 for cricket nets and for basketball and tennis posts – done in April 2022. Still need to arrange for outdoor table tennis
  • All Parish Councils continued the support to the centre at different rates and differing ways. Broad Chalke continue to cover the buildings insurance at a cost of about £400 per year and this year they also contributed to VAT costs on repairs and assets we purchased. Thank you for this support.
  • External hires, as expected, due the closure were less than pre COVID levels in 2020 but we believe we will get back to these levels. We now take and hold deposits and keep this separate on the balance sheet to be returned to the hirer.
  • Clubs – 2 new ones in the year Pickleball and Petanque – as a sports centre committee we started the sport and then as we hoped a committee came forward to run it.
  1. Some essential works had to continue so costs of repairs has risen as has sundry costs as we had to pay for our alcohol licence again the year £180 and waste disposal of £214.
  1. Reserves cover 5 years assuming no major repairs or to be done – however we know the roof needs work. Quote approx. £5K. And the kitchen will need refurbishment soon estimate £3K and we are saving up for the resurfacing of the MUGA in the future.
  1. Bank balances were; Deposit UTB £36K and Lloyds current account bank balance £8K.
  1. independent examining these accounts – this is outstanding.
  1. This current year 2023 we are helping clubs get their members back to sport and helping them upgrade facilities.  We have applied for various capital grants and will make good use of the money to encourage exercise and sport in the local communities we live in. Next big project is the replacement of the Floodlights.
  1. We are still struggling for executive committee members so if anyone can spare anytime then please do come forward – the more people we have the more we can achieve. Simon joined us in the year – many thanks for sharing the workload.
  1. Take a look at our website and see if you want to join any clubs / events – www.chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk

We try to advertise the centre in the local village magazines so people know what is happening and on Chalke Valley Families Facebook page.

SPORTS SCENE – June 2022


Facilities for all the Chalke Valley
The Sports Centre’s AGM took place last month and the Executive Committee agreed to stand again for a further year with Michaela Johns as Treasurer, Simon Dawes as Secretary, Edward Fry as Vice Chairman and Chris Rothwell as Chairman.
Michaela reported on the financial position of the Sports Centre which is reasonably healthy at the current time following successful applications to various funding sources, however there are some outstanding grant aided purchases and significant costs ahead (floodlight replacement). We also continue the approach to build up reserves towards the Multi Use Games Area replacement.
The Chairman reported on the development of facilities over the last year; on the new Petanque and Pickleball clubs that have been formed; and on the challenges the centre still faces in remaining viable both financially and in terms of people willing to help in the running of the Centre.
It was agreed that membership to the sports centre is to be offered free to Ukrainian guests in the valley and for the junior membership charge to be deferred until September 2023 to help in the recovery post pandemic.
We are delighted to be hosting the following events on behalf of the village and wider Chalke Valley
Sunday 5 June Jubilee Picnic on the Sports Field from 12.30pm. To celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Come and enjoy time with family and friends. Bring your own picnic.
Saturday 6 August Chalke Valley Fete and Produce Show- Starting at 2.00pm Free admission and lots of fun activities and Market Place stalls from local artisans. Prizes for home grown vegetables, home baking, photography, and fancy dress. Good old village values and traditions to celebrate the Jubilee.



Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

A few dates for your diary…

Wednesday 18 May at 7.00pm Sports Centre AGM. An opportunity to hear about what has been happening at the Sports Centre over the last 12 months; our plans for the coming year and a chance to ask questions of the Committee and raise any ideas and issues.

Friday 6 May 6.30pm Outdoor Social Petanque. The outdoor season starts this month with two teams entered in the local league and the ever-popular Friday evening social Petanque. All the family welcome. Sports Bar.

We are delighted to be hosting the following events on behalf of the village and wider Chalke Valley

Sunday 5 June Jubilee Picnic on the Sports Field from 12.30pm. To celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Come and enjoy time with family and friends. Bring your own picnic.

Saturday 6 August Chalke Valley Fete and Produce Show- Starting at 2.00pm. Free admission and lots of fun activities and Market Place stalls from local artisans. Prizes for home grown vegetables, home baking, photography, and fancy dress. Good old village values and traditions to celebrate the Jubilee

SPORTS SCENE – April 2022


Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

With Spring very much in the air we are starting to look at our plans for the outdoor sports again and the new season that awaits.

It has been a busy and exciting few weeks. Storm Eunice left us with the need to re felt the shed, but otherwise we were quite lucky. Now we have lots of things happening as part of our plans to try and bring new activities and improve what we are able to offer.

Our second new football goal post has arrived and is out on the sports field, so we now have a great kick about pitch for all the family to enjoy. This is a great resource to hire for birthday parties, and we had our first of these a couple of weeks ago.

Outdoor basketball has continued to be well used since being installed a few weeks ago, so much so that one of the balls has worn out! If anyone has a spare basketball or two, and would like to donate please let us know. We aim to keep a couple of balls in the storage net so anyone can turn up, play, and return the basketballs to the net for the next family to enjoy. 

A lot of work is being undertaken planning replacement of the floodlights on the multi sports area. The existing lights have reached the end of their economic life, parts are increasingly difficult and expensive to obtain, and new technology means there are far more energy efficient and environmentally friendly lights now available. We are working with the Cranborne Chase AONB as part of the International Dark Skies Reserve so that we plan new lighting in line with the Dark Skies Reserve recommendations. Also, with the support of Wiltshire Councillor Nabil Najjar, we have been successful in securing a grant from Southwest Area Board towards the £17,000 costs. Wiltshire Councillor Nabil Najjar said:

“I was delighted to be able to help the Chalke Valley Sports Centre secure £5,000 of Wiltshire Council funding for their new multi-use games are lights. This funding comes on top of the £3,000 which was granted to the Centre last year. My division of Fovant and Chalke Valley, and the fifteen villages within it, are fortunate to have a number of fantastic community assets like CVSC, and I hope that this funding will help the Centre continue to thrive, expand its offering, and attract new members. “

At the time of writing this Newsletter we are also planning our next major development. Together with the Cricket Club, we have raised over £4,000 to install a new cricket practice facility. This will see the laying of an artificial grass practice bay together with a cricket cage and net. Cricket Club Chairman David Cooper said: “This will be a fantastic addition at the Sports Centre and will enable the Club to enjoy first rate practice facilities, enabling coaching and development. We are always looking for new players and will be starting practice evenings in May, so just turn up and join us. More information on the website when the nets are completed.

Just a reminder of what else is on. The football season will draw to a conclusion later this month. The new Thursday afternoon 2.00-4.00 short mat bowls session has now started, and the Monday evening session takes place as normal.  Petanque will be moving back outdoors on Friday evenings from the first Friday in May, and will continue indoors until then, so come and join us you, will be made most welcome.

Tennis mix-ins continue Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings, and the Club will be competing in the Salisbury Sarum and Shaftesbury Leagues and are looking for new players. Some exciting news we hope to share soon will be the possibility of having LTA coaching facilities at the Club to include Tennis Xpress course for beginners and advanced players. This will be open to non-members too.

Pickleball takes place Wednesday evenings on the outdoor sports courts, and table tennis is on Sunday evenings. If you are interested in playing Table Tennis during the daytime, please contact Tom at the table tennis club.

As we seek to raise money for new developments, donations are very welcome and can be sent to the Treasurer at the below contact or by bank transfer to:
Chalke Valley Sports Centre. Sort Code: 30-97-41 Account Number: 01351926