The Chalke Valley Sports Centre
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
19th June 2024 at 7.30pm
Michaela Johns, Edward Fry, Chris Rothwell, Tim Moss, John Dutson,
David Cooper, Nigel Hayes, Damon Johns. Tom Scard
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the AGM. The meeting was not quorate (7 members required).
1. Minutes of the 19th of June 2023 AGM
These had been circulated in advance and accepted as a true record.
2. Election of Officers
There being no persons coming forward to accept roles on the Executive, Chris Rothwell agreed to accept the post of Chairman/Secretary, Michaela as Treasurer and Tim on Website. Edward wished to continue being involved but to step down from his role as Vice Chairman.
The meeting thanked Edward for his commitment to CVSC over more that 21 years and for his willingness to stay involved informally. The Sports Centre has much to thank Edward for not least its initial building and funding.
The Chairman thanked the Executive for their willingness to continue. He observed that the work of the Executive is often unnoticed by most members, perhaps as evidenced by the poor AGM attendance, but the Sports Centre would not operate without this work and would be very much missed if the voluntary input they commit was no longer available. This is a very real challenge for the Centre (and other community buildings in the village) and one that will have to be addressed if facilities are to be maintained.
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
This had been circulated in advance. See full report attached.
4. Finance Report
This had been circulated by Michaela in advance and discussed by the Executive ahead of its submission to Auditor.
The 2023-24 Accounts that had been prepared on a cash basis and had been externally audited by Nick Limb. We choose to do this to ensure transparency on financial matters, but it is not a requirement. Our thanks to Nick and for undertaking the review at no charge.
The Centre is in a healthy financial position currently, but there are significant areas of expenditure in the coming year including: Resurfacing the MUGA; Kitchen Refurbishment; Roof works; Water hygiene works.
5. Clubs Report
a. Cricket
Report from David Cooper attached.
b. Petanque
Report from Damon Johns attached.
c. Tennis
Report from John Dutson attached.
6. Social Media Report
Tim reported that website imagery to be updated. Preference is with pictures of our own activities. Liason with john Fry and Martin Altham.
7. Appointment of Auditors. The meeting agreed to seekreappointment of Nick Limb. MJ to action.
8. AOB
The meeting closed at 7.50pm
There then followed a short CVSC Management Committee Meeting
1. Budget. Funds on deposit were noted from the accounts and Michaela advised of current interest rates. It was also noted that significant expenditure imminent on capital works.
2. Membership. The Executive had proposed a £1 increase to both adult and junior membership. This will be advised to the Clubs and introduced from September 2024.
3. Hire Charges. The Executive had reviewed these in line with inflation and will be introduced from September 2024.
4. Fundraising. The Executive are planning a Race Night in the Autumn. Date TBA once the equipment had been identified.
5. MUGA Replacement. This is still on programme for main works w/c 19 August 2024 but with some advance weed control a month before. Funding was discussed and request made to the CVTC that their funding be increased from £4,000 to £5,000 as CVSC were having to find another £4,000-£5,000 following National lottery declining to support.
6. Football Pitch Hire
Discussion on the approach by a non-Chalke Valley Team to hire pitch and relocate 14 teams to the Centre. The income that might be generated would be positive, but concern over impact on the pitch, how the hire would be managed and grounds maintenance, pitch preparation and cleaning supplied. Also, with the hope that football will recommence with Chalke Valley Teams, there was concern as to how this might then be managed. It was concluded that, regrettably, this scale and type of use would not be in the best interests of the Centre and should be declined.
See attached
Chairmans Report
Chairman’s Report 2023-2024
The Chalke Valley Sports Centre has been successfully providing sports and recreational facilities for over 21 years now and, during these 21 years, many people have committed time voluntarily to ensure the Centre is well managed, clean, and properly maintained, that the grass is cut, and sports areas are prepared ready for use by the many sports players and visitors that enjoy the use of them.
With each year that passes these tasks seem to get more difficult, with more regulation, increasing costs, greater effort required to raise funds and fewer people available to lend a hand. So, I start with a huge thankyou to the small Executive Committee, and to the committees of the affiliated sports clubs, and to Nigel for his work on the grounds and Caroline for keeping the Centre clean and tidy. Very often this work goes on quietly, unnoticed behind the scenes, but without it we would not have the wonderful facilities that we do. And so, I follow swiftly with a plea,
If we don’t get more help, there is a very real risk that what we enjoy now will be lost…and it will be very difficult to get back again should this position be reached. It only needs a few people to offer a few hours a year to make a real difference by spreading the load.
I commented last year on how well the green spaces, and sports pitches were looking, and this continues to be the case this year. They are used by members and casual users alike and are a great asset for the Valley, but obviously cost money to keep this way. This is why the Executive have made the decision to make a small increase in the membership fees again in September, and to increase the cost of hire.
We have continued to build on the facility improvements delivered over recent years (new floodlights, cricket nets, basketball net, Petanque area), and this last year saw the replacement of the artificial cricket wicket with grant funding from South-West Wiltshire Area Board and the Cricket Club. We have also been investigating and applying for funds for the resurfacing of the Multi Use Games Area and for further improvements to the Petanque facilities and the Kitchen. These are projects that we hope to see come to fruition in the coming 12 months, subject to funding.
It has been great to see the new Zumba class on a Wednesday morning get established. This is open to all and has seen new people start to use the Centre. The Petanque has gone from strength to strength and is a real summer feature in village and valley life now, often with 30-40 people enjoying a Friday evening get together.
Tennis continues to be the largest club affiliated to the Centre and they have organised some excellent coaching classes that have seen both new members join, and existing members improve their game and establish new club sessions for members to take part in. It has also been great to see cricket consolidate their return with Saturday and mid-week matches now regular fixtures in the calendar. Table Tennis continues to provide opportunities across the age groups for competitive and coaching opportunities and the indoor bowls club, a longstanding Club enjoyed mainly for its gentler pursuits, but no less competitive in league matches! All ages are welcome.
We have missed football this last year and hope very much that interest can be rekindled and even to find parents interested in starting boys’ and girls’ football.
Looking ahead. As I mentioned last year, there continue to be many challenges for the Centre to tackle. We need to remain viable, both in terms of a functioning committee with the energy to manage and administer the Centre, but clearly also financially through keeping costs under tight reign; increasing membership numbers; and continuing to seek grants. We are not funded like many local authority facilities and so all these aspects are vital if we are to remain open and accessible. We can only do so with volunteer support and the partnership with our Clubs. Fundraising and grants are critical to the Centre’s future. I would like to thank Broad Chalke, Bishopstone and Bowerchalke parish councils for their continued financial support. It is very much appreciated.
Ahead of us we are planning the Kitchen refurbishment; resurfacing of the MUGA, and there is a need for roof works as well as significant water hygiene works to old pipework. We have applied for grants for some of this and have been setting some funds aside in readiness. These costs have to be put alongside the day-to-day maintenance of buildings, grounds, boilers, and equipment which requires investment of considerable time and, of course, money. The Executive are diligent in their approach to this and my thanks on behalf of all Affiliated Clubs to Michaela, Edward, and Tim without whom the Sports Centre doors would not be open.
If you would like to know more about what is on at the Sports Centre, follow us on Facebook or check out the website. If you would like to get involved in running the Centre or have an idea for a new activity then please contact any of the Committee.
On behalf of the CVSC Executive Committee.
Chris Rothwell
Chalke Valley Tennis Club 2024 – Chairman’s Report
JD gave an update on the resurfacing of the courts. After a thorough review it was agreed that the court surface would be Macadam. The cost is approx. £25k. An Astro surface would have cost approx. £50k.
The Tennis Club has agreed to contribute funds towards the overall cost of the resurfacing and we will be paying between £4-£5K. It will only have tennis lines unless a new club, wanting to play a different sport, approaches the Sports Centre. We are also looking at long term maintenance plans to keep the courts in good repair.
The dates for resurfacing are from the 19th August to 28th September, however these dates will be weather dependent.
JD also reiterated that it is the 21st anniversary for the Sports Centre and we are very fortunate to have this facility and dedicated volunteers to keep it running. Everyone was encouraged to donate £21 to help towards the future of the Centre.
The reserves stand at £20,813.
Membership: for last year 74 adults, 20 Juniors and 9 Children. 66 people are yet to renew for this year but we anticipate numbers will be similar.
Cricket Club
2023 was a successful year for Broad Chalke Cricket Club on and off the field. We managed to play 23 matches out of a possible 29 securing victory in 13 games.
In the Hampshire League Division 5 North West, Broad Chalke came a respectable 7th out of 18 teams. In the Salisbury District Wednesday league, we were an impressive 2nd. The Club also reached the Plate Final for the second successive year, unfortunately losing. Maybe third time lucky? Our team captains were able to call on an ever-dependable group of players and we should feel very proud that we were able to field a full team every match.
Off the pitch, the Committee had been very busy securing various grants matched by funds raised by the Club resulting in a NEW artificial playing strip installed in November at the ground for the 2024 season. This complements the artificial practice strip and mobile cage which was installed two years ago. We now have a first-class ground with matching facilities.
Currently the Club are enjoying their best ever start to the cricket season. They are sitting TOP of the table in both leagues, only losing one game out of twelve! The new artificial strip has also performed well with a consistent bounce!
Petanque Club
The Petanque Club continues to be a success throughout the summer with outdoor events throughout the year and league participation ongoing. We have a core of regular players, but we’ve been joined by family or friends visiting and walk-ins from other petanque clubs who have heard of us. Generally Friday night social is attended by 20-30 people, but this does depend on the unpredictable summer weather.
There is a dedicated group who set up the piste and run the sports bar Friday evenings allowing for tasks to spread around rather than relying on any one person.
The club continues to play in a pub league against pub and sports East Dorset and South Wiltshire. The league is sponsored by Stone Daisy Brewery and runs from May to September. We have entered two teams in the league this year and look forward to visiting various hostelries and clubs in the coming months.
This year saw the plan to improve the facilities at the club take a big step forward with the connection of electricity to the shed. The supply cabling was installed by Ted Barnes and the electrics finished by Paul Lanham. We have a dedicated meter in the boiler room and will pay the sports centre for the energy we use through the summer.
The shed will be lined out internally and have a new roof added in the coming months, the majority of the works being paid for by a generous grant from a local resident. Team captain Steve Garsden has generously donated a wine cooler and fridge to the club for use in running the sports bar through the summer.
The Treasures account currently stands at a little over £4000 however half of this is earmarked for the continued upgrades proposed. The revenue from the bar and the pay to play charges continue to be used to stock the bar and keep the club running.
Please feel free to come a join us any Friday to learn more about the club or email OR search for Chalke Valley Petanque Club on facebook OR scan QR code
FRIDAY SUMMER EVENING SOCIAL PETANQUE EVERY FRIDAY FROM MAY 6-8PM ADJACENT CAR PARK AT SPORTS CENTRE – All equipment provided with sports bar for refreshments (cash and cards taken)
Damon Johns 07970 473967
CVSMB Treasurer.