4th May 2024 – 21st year celebration
Dear Resident and Sport Club Member
The Chalke Valley benefits from a purpose-built sport centre situated on Knighton Road. 4th May 2024 is the 21st year of the Sport Centre being officially opened.
The Sports Centre is used by club members throughout the Chalke Valley and membership is open to everyone. The current clubs operating from the site are:- Table Tennis, Football, Tennis, Short Mat Bowls, Cricket and Petanque, in addition many of you may also enjoy the Pilates, Yoga and Zumba classes that are also put on in the Hall and of course our children use the facilities if they attend Broad Chalke Primary School.The Sports Centre has also hosted the annual Chalke Valley Fete and Show and will do so again on 17thAugust this year.
As with any successful venue, maintenance & refurbishment costs are needed now that the building is reaching its 21st anniversary. Typically, external and internal surfaces require decoration and other minor repairs and maintenance. The annual boiler maintenance has recently been undertaken with some repairs required and this has cost £500. The biannual weed treatment on the sports field will take place in the coming weeks and this will be another £500. We have a project to upgrade the kitchen and have grants in of over £3,000 and the donation of a new range cooker, but the project will cost over £6,000.
To maintain the club member subscriptions at a reasonable level and to encourage young people to participate in sport, our income does not cover more than day to day servicing and consumables so for all the above and many other things we have to seek grants and raise funds. It is with this in mind that the Management Committee are putting this appeal out to residents in the Chalke Valley, on behalf of people who use the Centre now and for your children who may wish to use it in the future.
A donation of £21 for the 21st anniversary would make a great deal of difference for the long-termpreservation of the facility. However, any donation would be gratefully received.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our committee if you have any questions or feel you can help in any other way.
Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:
Chairman: chris.rothwell@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk Tel: 07552 159369
Treasurer: Michaela.johns@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk Tel: 01722 780915
Deputy Chairman: Edward.fry2@btinternet.co.uk Tel: 01722 780093
Social Media: tim.moss@chalkevalleysportscentre.co.ukTel: 07711 562384
Website: www.chalkevalleysportscentre.co.uk.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chalke-Valley-Sports-Centre-110944004548798
The Club Members and Management Committee wish to thank you in anticipation of your support.
I would like to donate the enclosed Direct transfer details BACS Lloyds Bank account number 01351926 Sort Code 309741 / cash / cheque (payable-Chalke Valley Sports Centre).
Or send your donation to Ivon House High Road Broad Chalke Wiltshire SP5 5EH or pop it into the house to the right of the Queens Head Pub in Broad Chalke.
Name / remain anonymous…………………………………………………………………