2023 Annual General Meeting

The Chalke Valley Sports Centre
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
19th June 2023 at 7.00pm

Michaela Johns, Edward Fry, Chris Rothwell, Tom Scard, Jim Scard, John Dutson, David Cooper, Nigel Hayes

Simon Dawes

Minutes of the 18th of May 2022 AGM

These had been circulated in advance and accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.

Election of Officers

There being no persons coming forward to accept roles on the Executive Chris Rothwell agreed to accept the post of Chairman & the Executive agreed to continue in their current posts with Michaela as Treasurer and Edward as Vice Chairman. In Simon’s absence he was reinstalled as Secretary/social media, subject to his approval. All posts were duly nominated and seconded. Chris to continue as Bookings Secretary and to keep under review whether paid support is required.

Chairman’s Annual Report

See the full report attached. The Chairman also presented the top 10 issues he considered for the 12-18 months ahead

  1. Support in the running of the Centre
  2. Maintaining a building that is 21 years old
  3. Raising sufficient income to meet our operational costs
  4. Having a grant-raising plan to support major capital expenditure
    • Replacement MUGA £40,000-£50,000
    • Replacement Cricket Wicket £5,000-£6,000
    • Support for Petanque £5,000-£10,000
    • Refurbishing the Kitchen area £3,000-£5,000
  5. Other fundraising
  6. Attracting more members
  7. Better use of the MUGA
  8. Better daytime use of the hall
  9. Grounds maintenance
  10. Improving our marketing and promotion

Finance Report

Michaela presented the 2022-23 Accounts that had been prepared on a cash basis and had been externally audited by Nick Limb. We choose to do this to ensure transparency on financial matters, but it is not a requirement. Our thanks to Nick and for undertaking the review at no charge.

The accounts had been circulated in advance. Michaela summarised key points. When stripping out grants income and costs the Centre had made a profit of £3372. A full copy of the Accounts is attached together with a Highlights summary.
JD asked about the Mahoney tennis income.  MJ confirmed this was shown in the Hire income.
CR asked about funds on deposit and interest rates. CR and MJ to discuss.

Clubs Report

A report from David Cooper is attached. Key issue for next season will be the replacement of the artificial wicket.

Table Tennis
Report from Tom Scard is attached. New tables will be a key issue in the coming months

A report from Damon Johns is attached.

Report from Damon Johns is attached. Key issue is laying electricity to the shed.

Report from John Dutson attached. JD highlighted the workload involved in Safeguarding matters and this was echoed by all Clubs. Key issue will be the MUGA surface replacement

Nigel Hayes gave a verbal update. The disappointing news is there will be no football this coming season. Hopefully only a one-year absence. Nigel summarised the current grounds maintenance equipment use, the gang mowers being difficult to use, he has been using a ride on that is borrowed but stored at Nigel’s. The Sports Centre has recently agreed to fund half the costs of some essential maintenance in exchange for the continued use of the machine over the next two years.

Social Media Report
None presented. CR asked all Clubs to review the information on display on the Sports Centre notice boards and make sure all up to date. All Clubs to Action.

Appointment of Auditors. The meeting agreed to seek the appointment of Nick Limb. MJ to action.



The meeting closed at 8.05 pm.




Chalke Valley Tennis Club 2023 – Chairman’s Report

The main news of the year is that we have new LED floodlights . Our thanks to the CVSC for arranging.

The Pickleball lines on the courts, thanks to a lot of sanding by Atilio and the Chairman, are no longer a slip hazard.  What a waste of time having that club appear, although the cost of painting the lines has been recouped from the contractor.  The constant battle with the moss on the court continues.

Linda has arranged more Tennis Express coaching via Mahony Tennis (previously Salisbury Tennis Coaches) although we are yet to see further improvement in the rankings in the Sarum and Shaftesbury leagues!  Hilary Brown has passed the mantle of organising the Shaftesbury League over to Linda, so thank you to them both.  Linda and Matthew continue to organise the Sarum League fixtures as well.

The Club ran “the teas” at the Chalke valley Fete and Produce Show in August and thank you to the members who contributed.  £865.62 was raised, which was split 50/50 between the Club and the Show.  The Club will be doing “the teas” again at the 2023 show on the 19th August, so volunteers welcome please.

We had 119 members last year – 75 adults and remainder junior and children.  This was an decrease from 125 in the previous year.

A jolly Christmas lunch was held at the Queens Head for 17 members and their partners, and will, no doubt, be repeated in 2023. 

My thanks to the rest of the Tennis Club Committee for their various inputs

John Dutson

CVTTC Report 23

The club increased in number of teams playing this season in the Salisbury league, increasing in teams to 6, one in div 1 and 5 in div 2. 2 Of these teams consisted wholly of juniors with a total number of 12 juniors signed onto the league which is in an increase of about 7 from last season. To top this off, the Junior B team won the Handicap plate event this season beating CV kites in the final.

Blackmore vale this season we only entered one team but managed to get second place in Div 2. Tom Scard winning the Open doubles event.

Club wise, we have managed to attain Premier club status with table tennis England which gives us priority when it comes to support and funding within table tennis England approved funding sites/projects. Other benefits include ttkidz which is a coaching programme aimed at younger children looking at introducing them to table tennis, which I will look at introducing into Broad Chalke school. The other benefit is the youth ambassador programme which I will be applying for 2 of our more senior youngsters which introduces them into the “behind the scenes” of table tennis and has lots of incentives for them like part paid coaching courses and goes on their CV’s.

Lastly, Tom Scard was invited to the national championships by table tennis England and was presented with a nationally recognized award as part of the pride of table tennis event. He was recognized in front of the spectators at the finals. A bit later on at the event, he was awarded with the Young Male volunteer of the year award for his work and contributions to table tennis in the Salisbury area over the last year(s).

Looking forward, we are looking into finding for replacement of our tables as we feel they are on their last legs, we are also looking at attracting more players for table tennis, we have got a social media savvy person on our committee now who will be looking into face book, twitter and you tube etc. to further promote our sport in the area. We have our own club website at chalkevalleyttc.ttclubs.co.uk



The Chalke Valley SMBC continues to run on a Monday night our member numbers stand at 13 with two new players recently joining us. Hopefully they will continue and become signed up members in due course.

Recruitment remains difficult, as with a lot of bowls clubs. A new push to advertise the club and update the information in the sports centre is under way with the aim of adding new players to the roster.

Our treasurers account currently stands at £1578.14. and we have funds in place for league and club affiliation fees, with no large expenses due in the foreseeable future.

In addition to the regular club nights on a Monday we continue to compete in the Wiltshire Short Mat Bowls League and we will look to take part in friendlies and county competitions as before.

Should you know of anyone who may like to try a new sport in a friendly environment please contact me, especially if you know anyone who might be feeling isolated or lonely that could do with some company, everyone at the club is very welcoming and we are happy to help complete beginners learn something new.

Damon Johns 07970 473967 CVSMB Club Captain.


Chalke Valley Sports Centre Knighton Rd, Salisbury SP5 5HX


The Petanque Club now in its third year continues to be a small but popular club running both indoor and outdoor events throughout the year.

Due to the social nature of the sport, attendance can be adhoc especially over summer where other commitments take precedent. The previous club membership didn’t cater for the fact people don’t play every single week. We have therefore introduced a pay to play charge a proportion of which will be given to the sports centre in lieu of pro rata membership payments in September.

We now have a core of volunteers to set up and run the sports bar each evening allowing for tasks to spread around rather than relying on any one person.

The club continues to play in a pub league against pub and sports East Dorset and South Wiltshire. The league is now sponsored by Stone Daisy Brewery and runs from May to September. Due to the interest in the club we have been able to enter two teams in the league for the first time.

The Treasures account currently stands at £1890.84 with revenue from the bar and the pay to play charges being used to stock the bar, update equipment and save for the long-term project of replacing/updating the shed adjacent the petanque piste.

Please feel free to come a join us any Friday to learn more about the club or email chalkevalleypetanqueclub@gmail.com All equipment provided with sports bar for refreshments (cash and cards taken)




To follow