Events are:
- something happening: a single one-off event or can be recurring (daily, weekly, annually etc)
- can be for a specific duration or all-day
- of one of more clubs
- in a specific location – sports centre,MUGA etc
A monthly calender shows of events from all clubs.
Adding an Event the easy way
The easiest way events can be managed using the Event Management Page where you can log in.
After login the page has new options that enable adding and editing your events.
To Add an Event
Click “Add an Event” to bring up a screen to enable a new event to be created:
It’s pretty straightforward but the image below may help.
Club users can add/edit events for their club only. Site Administrators and Editors can modify/delete all events
Using the WordPress Dashboard to add/edit events
Probably not necessary however events can also be managed using the WordPress dashboard. Login to the system and select Events. Choose Single or Recurring Events as required.
Emailshots and Events
Adding any type of Event never kicks off an emailshot. To use the emailshot system to advertise an event do the following:
- Create and Publish the Event
- View the post in your browser and Copy the URL
- Create a new Post
- Within the text of the Post create some text e.g. “View the Event Here”
- Highlight the text, click on the Insert/Edit Link button and copy the URL from step 1A into the URL box
- Save by Clicking Add Link
- Preview the Post, correct errors and Publish when ready